To begin, spread out a shuffled 52 card deck face down around a cup or unopen bottle of beer.
Kings is one of the most popular drinking games. (In Kings, players draw random cards from a ring shaped pile.) If you are looking for cards to play with, check out a standard pack here or one of our more recent arrivals here. would like to remind everyone to drink responsibly when playing any of these games. Below is a list of popular US dinking games that use cards to propel the fun. Not much has changed since antiquity for millions of drinkers around the world use games to make the social experience as enjoyable as it can be. Additionally, if drinkers in China during the Tang Dynasty wrongly answered a riddle, they would drink a shot as punishment.
In Greece during the 4 th century B.C., for instance, drinkers would play Kottabos where they would throw the lees from wine at targets in the room. Games and drinking have been in tandem ever since the very beginning.